darts performance centre
Gun Metal


Welcome to the Training Centre

Training or coaching in darts is not currently perceived as a science. Players tend to develop their own throwing style, perhaps by copying their favourite player. They may pick up tips from older or respected members of the team they play for or browse the large quantity of websites or `coaching` books that are available, which may help, possibly. We aim to challenge these options and give players one single resource to get the coaching advice they need.

What is the role of the training centre?

The training centre aims to bring some of the coaching principles from other sports into darts. For example in most sports practice sessions are carefully planned by the coaches. With darts, it often seems as if players practice what they feel like. A well planned session can be motivational, fun and far more beneficial than random practice games.

  • Try out some of our coaching session plans
  • Dart Throwing – we show you what we recommend you should be doing
  • A self-help guide if something is not quite right with your throw
  • Coaching points to emphasise what is being learnt
  • Sessions that are measurable to keep track of improvement and to compare with other players and give feedback on performance

How Can the Dart Performance Centre Help?

  • The benefits of a well planned training session
  • Session plans for you to try
  • Technical advice, the do’s and don’ts
  • The one piece of advice every dart player needs to know

Membershipis is just £25.00 per annum or It is FREE to register with the Darts Performance Centre. After you have registered you can find out how to access all this information and download our FREE Darts Performance Centre poster. Just click here to register.

Visit The Other Areas of The Site:




Sports Science

Goal Setting
