darts performance centre
Level 5

Sport Science

Welcome to the Sport Science Centre

Sports Science is now at the forefront of modern sport. When considering sports science most people think about sports psychology and this will be the main focus of the sports science centre. However, performance analysis will also be used to help you improve.

  • Sports Psychology is the science of identifying all the external and internal hurdles that stop dart players from performing to the best of their true ability and offering practical solutions to help them get over whatever it is that is affecting them.
  • Performance Analysis. The aim of this discipline is to provide feedback to the player on how they performed in the areas that have been identified as the ones that contribute to being successful.

What is the role of the Sports Science Centre?
Sports science methods, and sports psychology in particular can help all dart players no matter what their standard or age; it is not just for elite players. One of the main benefits of sports psychology is that it will realise whatever potential a player has. It also:

  • Helps preparation
  • Builds Confidence
  • Aids relaxation during competitive play
  • Assists in reflecting on past performance
  • Helps with focus and concentration

How Can the Dart Performance Centre Help?

We will explain:

  • In a custom report what areas of sports psychology will work for you
  • How to improve and increase concentration
  • How to control your negative thoughts whilst playing in a match
  • How to mentally prepare for practice sessions and competition
  • How our visualisation techniques can improve your performance

It is FREE to register with the Darts Performance Centre. After you have registered you can find out how to access all this information and download our FREE Darts Performance Centre poster. Just click here to register.

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