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Welcome to the Nutrition Centre

The correct preparation as well as ensuring optimum performance is achieved during competition relies on players feeling physically prepared as well as mentally. Dart players often ignore the benefits of a carefully constructed nutrition plan during the build up to a competition and during it. This may be because dart players underestimate the exertion and potential pitfalls they may come across during a competition. Whilst the act of throwing a dart is not of course physically demanding as such, the concentration, heat inside a venue, the lighting, hydration and natural highs and lows in energy levels can seriously affect performance.

There are ways of combating fatigue, evidence has shown some supplementst for example enhances your focus, mental drive and alertness, which, are the attributes that are widely acknowledged to be pivotal in succeeding, whether it be practice, or in the pressures of the competition arena.

What is Nutrition Planning?

Eating the correct type of food is of course essential to a healthy lifestyle. It does not mean you have to eat salad every day or have an eating regime forced on you full of food that you do not enjoy. The opposite in fact! Our sports nutritionist has found that nutrition plans are far more successful if the food is enjoyed by the client and they are told the benefits of what they are eating.

Why use Sports Nutrition Methods?
Setting aside the general health benefits a nutritious diet and fitness regime can have a whole host of benefits for a dart player.

  • Helps with your concentration levels
  • Stay Alert for longer and fight off fatigue

Helps to keep your energy levels constant

How Can The Darts Performance Centre help?

We will explain

  • Darts and Alcohol – the real effect it has on performance
  • The importance of hydration
  • How to set a nutrition plan that suits your lifestyle
  • Your own custom designed nutrition plan by our nutrition adviser

It is FREE to register with the Darts Performance Centre. After you have registered you can find out how to access all this information and download our FREE Darts Performance Centre poster. Just click here to register.

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