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We are having a darts launch party and you are invited. Please R.S.V.P!

Darts Launch Party

Posted: 09.09.15 in Darts Performance Centre Blog category

We are having a darts launch party and you are invited. Please R.S.V.P!

There have been a few darts launch events over recent months. Annoying aren’t they (when you are not invited that is)? The majority of us are left with our noses pressed against the window. Unicorn had a launch day and Target had one recently too. We even sell their products, for both of them in fact, but where was our invite? You may well buy their products, where was your invite?

I feel much better after that, bitter and twisted, me, too right! I’m only joking of course, well mostly.

Anyway, we have got a fantastic set of Performance Darts coming out so we thought we would have a launch party too. As you all know the Darts Performance Centre is the darts company for the people, so you are all invited to our launch. No clique, no “lucky” winners out of the hat, nope, you can all come along!

The only catch is it is a virtual launch party. Unless you can get down to DPC HQ, then you are welcome to come in, 6.30pm on Thursday 10 September. Do let us know though, so we don’t run out of sausage rolls!

But for the rest of you spread around the globe please do look out for us on Twitter, Facebook and Periscope. Yes, please do download Periscope for the full experience. We have a fun night planned, with plenty of info and feedback about the new darts, a chance to win a set or two and of course a virtual sausage roll.

See you all Thursday, 6.30pm, UK time, don’t be late! 


Photo courtesy of Stuart Miles/www.freedigitalphotos.net



The Darts Performance Centre is a resource to assist dart players of all standards play better darts. The site is arranged as an online coaching manual. There is advice on technique, nerves, psychology, goal setting, practice games, an area to log your statistics and an interactive area where your darting questions are answered by two sports scientists, one with 30 years dart playing experience. You also get an invite to our free but exclusive members only events and acess to our members only darts coaching app! Membership is £25 per year!


Author: Paul Gillings ( paul@dartsperformancecentre.com )

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