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We have more double muddle, twitter and the 10 second test that could help you play better darts!

The World Grand Prix Night 2/Morning 3!

Posted: 04.10.11 in Tournament Analysis Blog category

We have more double muddle, twitter and the 10 second test that could help you play better darts!


Welcome to the Darts Performance Centre darts blog.

Double Muddle (Part 3)

There were more great examples of the debilitating properties connected with trying to hit the double from several players last night. The stand out candidate was “The Hammer”. He had no problem hitting double top whenever he took it on. However, he seemed obsessed with trying to start on Double 16. At one point he threw his arms in the air after missing another three. It appeared from this gesture he was baffled as to why he was going for 16.  If Hamilton was bemused then I am not going to try to explain his strategy.

On the other side of the coin it appeared that Richie Burnett had given some thought to what he was going to do to get off the mark. He threw two darts at his chosen number and if they missed he switched with the third dart. Arguably it may not be the best solution (there is more investigation needed) but at least it’s a plan. There is no dithering or mind changing; a zero tolerance attitude to two missed darts gets the thumbs up from me!

Double Trouble

If you are feeling the pain of the missed doubles we are running a special offer on the Champions Choice practice board, or as we have dubbed it: The Double Trouble practice board. The board has its own Facebook page and we are selling them with free postage and packing at an unbeatable price.

We believe these boards can help if they are added to your training regime in the right way. We have some advice on how to implement them in our darts blog area.

Eye Eye, You are a Tweeter Then?

I enjoy the darts these days with our twitter page open in front of me (@DartsCentre). It is a great forum for interacting with darts fans or the #dartsfamily as they are dubbed on twitter. Last night I got chatting with @DartsinStoke, aka Chris Goodwin. Chris along with his pal Shaun run a darts forum that focuses on, er, darts in Stoke (tin and does what it says). They also organise local darts competitions and help to promote some local players who compete on the PDC circuit.

We were discussing Jamie Caven after Chris recalled how he had tried to aim a dart with one eye shut (Jamie only has one functioning eye of course) with disastrous results. We chatted about the importance of aiming the dart with your eye first and foremost and then making sure you are using your dominant eye (as well as our admiration for Jabba).

We are still getting players signing up for our website blissfully unaware of which is their dominant eye. We would urge all players to take our 10 second test to check which their dominant eye is and to also  take a quick look at the benefits of this knowledge.


The Darts Performance Centre is a resource to assist dart players of all standards play better darts. We are also committed to researching all aspects of darts to provide players with information and solutions that most other sports take for granted. Please support us by joining today.Membership is £25.00 per annum. 

We also offer group coaching days  and we will shortly be arriving at a darts centre near you for one on one video analysis sessions - please register for free to join our mailing list to find out when and where we will be.


Author: Paul Gillings ( paul@dartsperformancecentre.com )

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