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Aidan discusses whether a change is as good as a rest, or a crooked cue!

Is It Time For A Change?

Posted: 23.11.12 in Throw Like A Pro Blog category

Aidan discusses whether a change is as good as a rest, or a crooked cue!

Quest to find my darting Soul Mate!

"It's warped. I must be one of the few professionals playing with a warped cue, but I wouldn't dream of changing it. I have got used to holding it in a certain way, with my eye trained on a piece of grain.”

That’s how Ken Doherty describes his snooker cue, the very same cue that he has been playing with throughout his entire snooker career, including his memorable World Championship win during the mid-90s. He found it on a cue rack in his local snooker hall. He paid less than £10 for it. It’s warped.

He has had his up’s and down’s during his career. I wonder, during his down’s, would he start to question his cue like we question our darts? Certainly for me, if they aren’t flying straight, I blame the dart. Not my arm, it couldn’t be my arm, or my stance, or my pre-throw routine... So how can a snooker player look past the cue? How can a tennis player ignore the racket?

I have been thinking a lot about my darts lately, way too much. What is the right weight, style, grip, stem, flight etc? I have been here before. Everyone will say that it will take time to find the perfect dart to suit you; it’s not something that should be rushed.

Before, when I considered changing my darts, I ran straight to the confession box to cleanse me from my dirty thoughts. I felt like a cheating spouse. It was just wrong.

The bottom line is that you won’t progress if you keep changing your darts, it is a setback. It will take time to become accustomed to a new set, to get the feel of them etc. The counter argument for this however is that in order to find that perfect dart, sitting atop a red fluffy cushion under 24hr surveillance, you need to try a variety of options.

Should we all be like Ken Doherty, effectively using the first set of darts we ever pick up, be stubborn and use them forever? Or is it better to treat the dart as a mere accessory,believing that the ability is in the hand, the arm, and the head and any dart I throw will go in because I am throwing it?

I know what you are going to say, it’s just not as simple as that. And you’re right. If you have no confidence in the dart you are using, you have no confidence in general.

If you don’t think you can win, you won’t win.

Phil Taylor is a notable changer. If you look at his early clips of World Championship wins, and compare the dart he was throwing against the dart he is using right now, well they are the polar opposite of each other. But what hasn’t changed is his action, the way he throws his dart. Look at this clip, against John Lowe in 1993.


And now, look as he wins his 14th World Championship.



The action is very similar, yet the two sets of darts couldn’t be any more different. He has let his action, and comfort zone, affect his choice of dart. Not the other way around.

We should not change how we like to throw, to suit a certain dart. If the dart isn’t suiting our throw, then we keep on searching for our soul mate.

I am very interested to hear what people’s thoughts are on this. What do you throw with? How did you find the dart? Have you ever thrown other darts, specifically have you changed weights or barrel shapes? Are you precious over your darts or are you happy to try other set ups? 

@A_Farrelly or email: throwlikeaprodarts@gmail.com 



Meet Aidan:

Aidan has been a fan of darts since a young age, although he didn't pick up his first set if arrows until he was 23. In that time, Aidan has been dedicated to finding out what it takes to become a professional. He plays with two club teams in his County in Ireland.


Aidan documents his ups and downs of improving his game, and explores some of the unknown, yet crucial elements of darts such as nerves, confidence and much much more.

Aidan teamed up with the Darts Performance Centre ahead of his battle with Raymond van Barneveld 12 months ago, a relationship which he admits has "helped me to focus on certain areas that needed improvement, and the support from Paul and Andy guarantees will make you a better dart player".


Aidan throws a 21g DPC dart. He loves to tell people that he has now lost count of the amount of 180s he has thrown. His highest checkout in a competitive leg is 130, and the closest he has come to a perfect leg was two maximums before crippling under pressure to finish out with a 15 dart leg.


His plan is simple: to be a Pro! Follow his journey right here!

Aidan welcomes any feedback, advice or questions. You can find him on twitter:

@A_Farrelly or email: throwlikeaprodarts@gmail.com 


Author: Aidan Farrelly ( throwlikeaprodarts@gmail.com )

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